Rules for Success -1

by | Nov 14, 2018 | Marketing

Part of what I do is digital media marketing consulting and management and one of the most important things I’ve found to be an obstacle for entrepreneurs is focusing on the wrong things. This is true for me as well. Understanding that has put me on a quest to find workable words of wisdom from successful people that I can incorporate into my life and add to my consulting toolbox. It turns out there is a lot of wisdom out there and I would like to share these ideas with you. A dear friend sent me the following video, interestingly, right after I’d subscribed to Eker’s blog. This video is a compilation of T. Harv Eker interviews/speeches, boiling down his 10 Rules for success. Please enjoy the video! Watch (or subscribe to) my blog as I will be featuring “Rules for Success” videos, memes, infographics and articles periodically. I will be working on applying the rules to my work and my life. I will share with you how successful (or not so much) I am and what changes. I would love to hear about your experiences as well. We all have access to wisdom, it just takes time and trials to perfect it.