Hacker Prevention: Staying Ahead of the Game
Hacker prevention is a top priority with Copper Moon Media. But, let me start out by saying that all content management system applications (like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla and more) are susceptible to hacking if they are not monitored and updated regularly--and by...
Net Neutrality – Join the Battle for the Net
I am climbing up on my soapbox (again) for a moment here to talk about a very important (to me) issue. Net Neutrality. As a web worker, blogger and human-who-uses-the-internet, I am very concerned about the FCC's plans to essentially take away our freedom to choose,...
Blogging Made Easy – Or How to Blog
I find that blogging is easiest if you have already planned ahead. As I promised in my last blog I'm offering tips on blogging. So the first thing I would tell you is to decide what you are going to write about and what audience you're targeting. So, in other words...
“Blog! Why Should I?” A Blog Adds 100%
As a website designer who is also interested in creating successful and profitable websites for my clients I always recommend that they blog. Almost invariably, I find myself explaining my answer to the title question so here is what I tell everyone who asks. Blog...
Fake News, Project Owl and Facebook’s New Policies
We are all familiar with the term "fake news." For those of us who are not inclined to believe everything we see and half of what we hear, this means extra time in our searches to check sources and review everything we read for accuracy. It's a sad and scary...
PSA – WannaCry Ransomeware: How to Protect Yourself
Attention Windows Users! It's been all over the news, the global ransomware attack that hit over 10,000 organizations and 200,000 individuals in 150 countries, including the UK National Health System. This particular virus attack through a Windows vulnerability. In...
Google Search Results – Are They Drastically Changing?
The following infographic (scroll to the end) speculates how search engine results pages will appear in the near future as Google uses its gargantuan data resources to offer tightly individual pre-saved data targeted and user controlled returns along with continuing...
How Clear is Your Message?
What messages will a user take away from a visit to your website? One of the issues I find most often occurring on websites I visit and redesign for clients is a lack of clarity about what they stand for. It is easy to create a list or a catalog of products or...
Net Neutrality
An Opinion I decided to take a break from my usual blog posts and talk about something that I feel is important to me—and all of us; all internet users—shopping, entertainment, communication, education, enlightenment and well, just about every aspect of our lives,...
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